The Enforcement body for AGTDA is SLACS (Special Liquors and Controlled Substances). SLACS men are sworn by oath to uphold the principles of the AGTDA Constitution and its Bylaws. Becoming a member of SLACS can take years of physical training, and requires proficiency in a multitude of fields, including: gin distillation, botany, mixology, cunning linguistics, and quifeology.
Eligibility requirements for SLACS membership are:
Must drink a full straight-shot of Everclear, gargled with a whiskey chaser.
Member in good standing (AGTDA).
Must be a D.U. stud.
Warning: Everclear is like no other.
CAUTION: Everclear is a man’s drink, one step shy of limb amputation on the damage scale. Do not sip, do not joke, do not lollygag nor dally. Run for the hills. This is the machete of alcohols — it is literally straight alcohol.
This is your last warning.